The rubric: "What if?" - Expiry 29 December 2023 - YieldFort

The rubric: “What if?” – Expiry 29 December 2023

The rubric: “What if?” – Expiry 29 December 2023

The last week of 2023 has been sideways – and generally quiet – for the market, especially when compared to last week’s Christmas rally, when bitcoin volatility broke all records and the cryptocurrency market went into a correction, after another meteoric rise.

The price of Bitcoin all week “dangled” in the price range from $42,200 to the price of $43,700, without deciding to take new heights this year.

Altcoins habitually followed Bitcoin in most cases, showing the full force of volatility of +-30% of the price. The leaders are still the same: Solana, Binance Coin, SEI.

We are waiting for the New Year 2024, and apparently the imminent adoption of ETFs – perhaps not one, but several at once. At the same time, it is possible that prices on the crypto market will increase on the background of this, and a little later there may be a correction expected by many people, in which the market may well go down by 30-40%. In order not to get a “surprise” in the form of a sharp drop in the value of their assets, investors are better not to rely on luck and protect their funds now ?

BUY a protective product with 0.1% APR. Why should you buy it now? Because by buying now, you are buying insurance that your investment will not go down in a sharp market move downwards, especially if you are trading with shoulders.

Below is a weekly retrospective review of the potential returns from possible participation in structured products from ?

Two products launched:

? 5.5 % fixed return.

No matter what the price of BTC or ETH is, you are guaranteed to get 5.5% per annum in BTC/ETH.

? BTC/ETH capital protection

The greater the movement in the price of the coins, the greater the return in $.

For example, if when you invested BTC or ETH on August 25 (platform launch), you would have received a return (in % APR) at the current moment on December 29:

? for BTC +23.07%

? for ETH +68.34%

?️ Annualised returns by week on the chart ?


? Join YieldFort, get fixed returns and capital protection
